The Concordian is a free, entirely student-run publication funded by Concordia University. We were founded in 1973 for the purpose of providing fair and unbiased reporting to our campus community on a diverse range of topics.

New issues published weekly at

Print editions of the newspaper are published every other Tuesday and distributed on SGW and Loyola campuses.

Our pitch meetings are every Friday at noon. You can join in-person at our office on the Loyola campus (NUMBER) or online.

Our newsletters are written and curated by each of our Section Editors. Here’s what emails are being sent out each week:

The Update

Our bi-weekly podcasts released on Wednesdays
Producer: Semira Kosciuk

Weekly newsletter

Top news of the week

The Pitch List

Write for us: If you’re signed up for The Pitch List, we’ll send you assignments you can pick up for story ideas pitched at our Friday pitch meetings

Visuals Pitches

Publish your art: Here, we’ll send out photo, graphic, and video assignments for stories pitched at our weekly pitch meetings on Fridays

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When you subscribe to our list, Substack automatically adds you to all the newsletters above. That’s like, a lot of emails. Click below to narrow down your preferences.

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Weekly Pitch Meetings every Friday

Come join us in the newsroom :) Sometimes, we have coffee

Fridays @ 10 AM

Our office is on Loyola Campus, CC-431 (next to CJLO)

Pitch meetings are open to all students who want to contribute.

Subscribe to The Concordian

Concordia University's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1973


Concordia University's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1973
Music Editor of The Concordian
Managing Editor of The Concordian
Editor-In-Chief at The Concordian
Managing Editor
Maybe I'm a copy editor, maybe I'm not.
Assistant art editor
Graphics Editor at The Concordian
Co-News Editor @ The Concordian
Graphics Editor at The Concordian
Creative Writing and Eng. Lit student in his final year, Head Copy Editor for The Concordian